Exercise problem sets

Spring 2010

Problem Set I     Problem Set II    Problem Set III    Problem Set IV    Problem Set V *)    Problem Set VI    Problem Set VII **)

4/5 - 2010: In the first published edition of Problem Set V, by a mistake Problem V.3 was named VI.3. It is now corrected.
20/5 - 2010: Correction to Problem VII.1, p. 1, line 7 from below: "whether under these conditions positive per capita consumption can ..." should read "whether under these conditions constant positive per capita consumption can ...".


Solutions to some problems from I and II, incl. II.4.

25/2 - 2010. Catching-up with II.8:
    f) because k_tilde goes down, but T goes up; g) w is higher in the long run because k-tilde will be the same in the long run while T will be higher; h) because the impact effect of the shock on human wealth, h, is ambiguous in that even if the real wage goes up, the interest rate (and thereby the discount rate used to calculate the PV of the labor income stream) also goes up, thus leaving the sign of the change in PV ambigiuous; i) c is higher in the long run because c-tilde will be the same in the long run while T will be higher.

Solution to III.1

Solution to V.3

Solution to VI.4, g) - k).